Monday, February 01, 2010

He's in Charge

Isnt this verse amazing to think about?

Zechariah 8:6 This is what the LORD Almighty says, "It may seem marvelous to the remnant of this people at that time, but will it seem marvelous to me?" declares the LORD Almighty.

He's saying, you might be amazed by 'that' but I'm not. I'm not because I knew it was going to happen, I knew before you were born! I knew from the beginning of time.

I love that. I take strength from that.

That when bad things come into my life He is in heaven, almost bracing us for it. He knows it is coming. And He knows how things are going to turn out on the other side. And when He is in charge like that...we just have to brave the storm and trust.

I love what little Emma's daddy said...'the song doesn't say that we should praise Him FOR the storm...but that we praise Him IN the storm'.

I don't know how to praise God for sending me trouble. But I can and will learn how to praise him in the midst of it. For what I am learning and for what HE is gaining. That's what Emma and Sam's parents have learned.

In their time of deepest need, that we cannot fathom, God is being exalted through their stories. God is using their childrens' little lives to bring glory and honor and praise to the Heavenly Father.

I also love that God is not amazed when good things happen in our lives too! He's on His throne looking down, smiling and asking us again, to praise Him for the good. To bring honor to Him for the multitude of blessings He has provided.

Tonight I am just blessed. Blessed to have a Heavenly Father who grows sweeter with each step I take towards getting to know Him. He does not disappoint. He is in charge in the good times and bad.


Rosanna said...

Thanks for the reminder, Becky. God knew that I needed to be assured of His goodness once again today.

Meghan said...

Great reminder. I always think about that...we must praise Him during the not good times, as well as the good times.