Sunday, February 07, 2010

Weekend Review

Another weekend has come and gone! Where do they go?
We did have a productive and fun one though.

Friday night Jordan took me out for my birthday. We had a wonderful supper at Bourbon Street and then proceeded to shop for the next almost 4 hours. We were exhausted. But we have all the supplies now for our flooring project next weekend.
We wrapped up the basement project.
We now have three organized and functioning rooms down there. Its like we just added another floor to our house. The kids even like playing down there.

Sullivan got a MUCH needed hair cut.
He looked in the mirror and said, "Mommy! I am cute in this new hair cut!

The kids all worked on their Valentines. This is not my favorite part of the holiday. But it was fun to watch Lauren pick out the perfect card for each classmate and to listen to Avery wonder about what types of candy she would receive! And yes, I do love Valentines Day...people complain that we shouldn't have to set aside a day to say 'I love you'. Come on! We set aside special days for everything else, that's why they are 'holidays',
why not to tell people they are great and you love them!
And besides, I really like wearing red.

We brought out the game Blokus. This is a great game and has to be good for math and critical thinking skills...but its also fun! Lauren is really good and she ended up tying Jordan. Avery is a little young for it and Sullivan had to be on Jordan's team but they all had a lot of fun with it.

Saturday night we were going through the mail and the school had sent Avery's kindergarten registration and round-up information. I cried. Not kidding.
But when we showed it to her today she was ALL smiles.
Just look at her face!

Tonight we went to Trina and Garrick's for the Superbowl. The kids had a blast as usual. The big kids played upstairs or watched a video almost the entire time. At one point the four adults even commented that if felt like we each only had one child again...ah, those were the days! ;)

Adele is the World's Most Patient Peek-A-Boo player. She had to have laid like this for 4 solid minutes without moving...just with an occasional giggle. Hysterical.

And here are the 'adults'.
Have I mentioned we really enjoy having them living around here again?!

And now we are bracing for Iowa Winter Storm it 6? 7? 23?
Snow and wind on its way.
Cant wait.
Oh Iowa, when will you turn to Spring?!

Happy Sunday!

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