Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Alright, I will admit it. I've had a bad attitude this week.

Dont believe me? Ask my husband. Or perhaps my kids.

I've been overwhelmed and grumpy.

I've just been ick. The combination of the 97th snow day, our impending huge project, the big birthday party, Sully's bday, arguing kids, valentines day party committees and general life had me down.

And I know it was all selfish and uncalled for. But I was in the mood for a pity party. And I'll tell you I do not deserve my husband. He is so patient with me.

Luckily my Savior sent me encouragement from a number of different places over the past couple days...from a friend who sent me her prayer for ME today, to my mom inviting us over for snow day homemade donuts AND supper, to friend who emailed what God is doing in her life right now thorugh this passage, 2 Sam 22:17-20, to this verse I found in a devotional at my mom's: II Tim. 2:21b '...He will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.'

See God was reminding me in little ways that HIS plan for me is THIS. This day. This is where He put me to do HIS work. Great work. And my attitude needs to refelct that. That even when what I've been given seems mundane to me, to Him it is His work. And I am called to glorify Him in all that I do!

I've felt this way before, when the task at hand didn't seem like the one He must have really wanted for me. It seemed so mundane, hard, ordinary, out of my capacity...ect.

We've all been there.

But we have to remember that He designed us for a great purpose. The one we are in right now. Be it great or seemingly small.

And He does NOT set us up to fail. Isn't that the greatest?

And today I was really lifted up by that!

And then before bed I read this in my bible study:
Imagine what the world would be like if:
Joshua had said, I dont cross Jordans,
Noah had said, I dont do boats,
David had said, I dont do giants,
Mary had said, I dont do virgin births,
John the Baptist had said, I dont do baptisms,
Paul had said, I dont do letters,
or if Jesus had said, I dont do crosses...
(Following Christ with all Your Heart, Elizabeth George)

So tomorrow, I'm going to choose to glorify God in the middle of my messy, busy, crazy house and life. Because that's what He calls me to do. And my kids and husband are going to see Christ through me.

Will you?


mama barb said...

you continue to encourage me and amaze...

mama barb

D G Curren said...

WOW, sounds like God is revealing to us very similar things! AMAZING!!! Thank you for sharing!

Choose Joy said...

Loved 2 posts today...Yours and my sis-in-laws! Did you guys call each other before you posted? Love, love it!

Jamie said...

This went right to my heart - thank you, Becky!

Shannon/Jodi said...

Thank you.

Ellie said...

Awesome. Thank you!