Friday, February 05, 2010

Soaking up Sully

Avery got to go uptown to the coffee shop for hot chocolate with Brooklyn and Alex this morning. Sully was a little bummed that he was left with me and Tess again.
So we improvised and had hot chocolate at our own little coffee shop...aka the kitchen table complete with laundry baskets! And he was thrilled.

This was how he wanted us to sit at the table. Oh my heart.

Sully will be Four next week. And I'm trying to soak up all the 'three year old Sully' I can get. Once kids hit four they seem to really stop being 'little'.

I'd keep Sully at three. He is so special to me. He's always been my snuggle bug. He was four months old when my dad died and he was the BEST baby. I would just sit and hold him and stare at him and he could stop me from being so sad. SOOO special.

And I know, I know, Four is going to be fun too. But he's my boy. And each passing year means we are one step closer to him not letting me snuggle him.
I mean really teenage boys don't like to sit and drink hot chocolate with their mom's...and I dont want to miss these moments while they last!

And Tess is just the cutest in her 'fresh from bed' hair and smile.
I like soaking her up too!


Jennie Peakin said...

Don't remind me that teenage boys don't like to snuggle with their mommies! :(

Shannon/Jodi said...

Don't tell my boys I said this, but every once in a while I can convince them to snuggle with me still. They sneak me hugs and kisses occasionally, even when they don't want something! They're few and far between, but mean so much still!