Friday, June 18, 2010

Another broken promise

I love my kids' birthdays.
Love, Love Love them.

But every time one rolls around I say, "well you can have this one...but only if you promise not to have another one."

And not a single one of them has ever kept that promise.

She turns 6 on Tuesday.



how can 2004 have been 6 years ago? how can that tiny peanut of a baby now be going into kindergarten? how can she now be the big sister? really? where did that time go?

And she makes my heart stop.


Ellie said...

Such a pretty and SWEET girl! Happy early birthday Avery. Maybe I will be in the hospital having a baby on your birthday :)

yoderyears said...

Its a little early...but, Happy Birthday, Avery! ~ Brooklyn & Alex (Riggs, Mandy & Scott too)