Monday, June 28, 2010

I'm losing my touch...

I used to be able to be showered, have all four kids out the door and delivered to their respective locations and be sitting in my office chair all before 7:50 am.

Now if I have to be showered, have all the kids ready and fed before 9:30 I struggle.

I've totally lost it.


Amy said...

This is exactly how I am in the summer vs. during the school year. I can have all 3 kids dressed and myself looking professional and be out the door by 7:20 during the school year. In the summer, I rarely get out of knit capris and t-shirts, little makeup and ponytail, and being somewhere by 10:00 is doing good. Funny how quickly things change. :)

Beth said...

And, don't forget the getting to bed part either. I can have them bathed and jammied, devotions done and everyone sleeping by 8:00 PM during the school year...we're lucky if we get them to bed by 9:00 now and most of the time, we do showers in the morning because we run out of time!

Courtney said...

and i'm guessing you're ok with that, right :-) i would be!