Monday, June 07, 2010

In the grand scheme...

I love how He can speak to us through any means 
He chooses. 
Today, for me, it started with a simple observation my 
husband shared with me and was followed up 
by a song. 
That reminded me that I am not that big, 
important or powerful. 
None of us are. We are small. 
Reminded me that I need to bend easier, 
love truer, give more, 
say I'm sorry more frequently, and 
count my blessings daily. 
Because in the grand scheme...
Who am I? 

'Who am I, that the Lord of the all earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt? 
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would chose to light the way
for my ever wandering heart? 

Not because of Who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who You are. 

I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in the ocean
a vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, you catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours' 


Jennie Peakin said...

I love that song!

Courtney said...

i love that song too...but i LOVE your thoughts...i might have to steal your words...

Tisha said...

Me too. Love both that song and your words. Thanks.

Choose Joy said...

Great song! So true! Can't believe I get to wake up each day and praise an amazing God!