Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Baby Vampire

There are many parts of babyhood that are just not fair.
Teething being probably the cruelest.

Torrance got her first tooth in May...and seemed satisfied to let it remain solo.
Until last week when she started working on THREE at the same time.

I'll have to say that we've lucked out in that none of my kids have complained much about teething. Drool and an increase in spit up seem to be about the extent of it.
Luckily they dont interrupt sleep or make them irritable.

We see a lot of this right now...gnawing on anything in site.
Including people.

Her first tooth was her bottom left, middle.
Then the bottom right, middle poked through and was followed quickly but the top left incisor!
Who gets their teeth in that order?
And now the next one is her top right, middle...its just starting to work its way out.

So for now, she is a vampire.
She might as well be named Renesmee
(couldn't resist the Twilight reference!)
Can you see that little white dot up there?
Yep, she's a baby vampire.
And her bites HURT!
But wow, cuteness!

Gnawing on a blanket...bad photo quality but had to document it.

Here she was expressing her displeasure with the # of pictures I was insisting on taking.

'Well mommy, I found your lens cap.'

'And if you are not going to stop taking my picture...I'm going to eat it.'

'Ok, I know I'm cute but really?!'

'I cant stop the drool your pictures will have to include drool.'

1 comment:

Andrea Dellit said...

Yay,Baby Vampire! I don't know why, but it made me smile - so cute!