Friday, July 01, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday, Contessa Caroline!

Contessa you are three!

Just when I think there is simply no way I could love anyone go and prove to me that my love has only just begun.

You are an amazing little girl. You were put here to show me a lot. I learned early on with you that just because I had 3 other kids did not mean I knew everything about babies. You were different...mostly in your stubbornness!

As you did that!

You have been our only child to pitch legitimate temper tantrums.
Our only child to scream 'no' at me.
The only one to deliberately look me in the eye and do the opposite of what I've asked.

But somehow that makes the moments when the light bulb goes on in your head and you do obey and talk sweet and make us laugh...just that much sweeter.

I admit that I am mourning the loss of your babyhood.
Its no secret that I love two year olds.
And you have been one of the best!
I love your sweet voice and adorable questions.

You are beautiful and loud.
Snuggly and full of bounce.
You love love love to dance and sing.
You love to be a princess.
You love to dress up and wear make up.
You love to run and swing at the park.
You love your grandmas and your cousin Adele.
You love your uncles and their pets!
You love to entertain and be the center of attention.
You DEMAND attention if you are not getting it.

Come to think of are kind of a Garth Brooks song;
'She's sun & rain, she's fire & ice. A little crazy but its nice
And when she gets mad, you best leave her alone.
'Cause she'll rage just like a river...then she'll beg you to forgive her.
She's anything but typical, She's so unpredictable.
Oh, but even at her worst, she aint that bad.'

I know that after such a wild first 3 years...the next will have to be just as fun.

Thank you sweet girl for refusing to get lost in the middle of your crazy siblings. Thank you for standing out and speaking your voice.

Thank you for teaching me that my heart can hold more love and that there is in fact, no capacity for a mother's love. You made it topple over and start spilling out the sides...maybe that's why I cant stop hugging you lately!?

One thing I know is that I wouldn't miss one second of this wild ride you're taking us on.
I'm holding on tight but I promise to try and let go just a bit...and let you get (gulp) big.
at least a little bit.

Happy Birthday sweet BIG girl.
We love you so very much. You make us incredibly happy each and every day.
I look at you and think that there must be a one this fantastic should be mine!


Trina said...

Happy birthday Tess!
Becky, you should proofread your title ;)

Cassie said...

Happy happy birthday Tess!!!!

Beckysblog said...

Thanks Trina!

I'm losing it.

mama barb said...

Tess, may you always take my hand and just say "mere" and this gma will follow you anywhere..

Happy birthday big girl 3..

Love ya
mama barb

Ellie said...

Happy Birthday Tess!!