Friday, July 22, 2011

nine months old!

Someone turned 9 months old today!
Sullivan wanted to throw her a party. We really should!

At 9 months Torrance is really just fun!
I think she is such a happy easy baby because she is constantly entertained!
She is going to be a sad baby when school starts.

She loves food...eating 3 meals per day plus snacks.
She is eating more table food and seems to want just about everything she sees us eating.
She is a great sleeper - going to bed about 8 and getting up about 7:30.
She continues to take 2 naps per day - am being about an hour or so and pm being about 2.5 hours. I'm ready for it to drop to one but she is not.

She is into EVERYTHING. Climbs on everything and stands to everything!
She also thinks she can let go. But she cant...and she's taken some nasty falls this week.
We need to get some balance!

She loves her siblings and is starting to become quite a little ham.
I can see her 'youngest child' spot being a good fit for her...she just loves to have them laugh at her.

Her latest trick is to 'slap' herself in the mouth with her hand or forearm and make noise.
She finds it very funny. She also loves to blow raspberries. Especially while eating. I do not love that. Messy!

She sucks her fingers and especially her thumb.
She's adorable!

And her eyes are so blue.
She gets really excited to see Jordan when he comes home each night and lights up for him.
But she is my first honest to goodness mommy's girl.
Don't think I'm not enjoying that!

She officially has 4 teeth and I can see 2 more working in.
check out the fang!

She's easy going and funny.
Not a cuddler though...too busy.

Tori we love you sweetie. What did we do before you were with us?
Happy 9 months!
so hard to believe!


Amy said...

So sweet! You got some great pictures!!

mama barb said...

She IS sunshine!!!

mama barb