Tuesday, July 19, 2011

That helped...

The kids and I traveled to Muscatine today to visit Cassie and her crew.
It was so what I needed.

Cassie might always be what I need.
I love to laugh with her.

And seriously, 10 years ago this year we were bonding together over our first borns.
And now we are this.
That's a lot of kids hanging on us!

We had a total blast hanging out at their pool.
The kids got to learn the beauty of floatation devices and other fun toys!

Avery and Sully both went off the board.

He was SO excited to tell Jordan about his bravery...with the girly intertube around his belly.

I'm pretty sure Lauren would have floated here ALL. DAY!

And Tess, well yes, she is always this cute!


Cassie said...

so so fun!
miss you already....

Candi said...

It was good to actually SEE your five adorable children in real life!! Willow and Torrence.... cute cute cute!!!!! sigh! :]

Candi said...

Oops! I mispelled Torrance's name, SORRY!! :{