Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fancy Jammies!

Contessa's one request for her birthday was 'fancy jammies like Avery's'.

And Grandma came through.

She was so excited about them and danced and danced around the house.

And just guess what her favorite part is?
'Slippers mommy! There's slippers!'

Never want to forget how something like 'fancy jammies' could make her blissfully happy!
Or that tonight when I was so so tired from VBS this week, her joy could give me more strength.

And her bedtime prayer tonight; 'Thank you that I got new jammies (pause) and that I got them because I blew bubbles in my church today.'

(what? they were a birthday present and second, we did not blow bubbles today, at church or otherwise.)
She's the best.

And its turning out that 3 is pretty good...even if its not 2. (wink)


Ellie said...

I swear I am not trying to copy your comment to me....it really is the first thing that popped into my head!

I love her.

D G Curren said...

Love the jammies, Tess!