Thursday, April 22, 2010

And then there's Tess

She is so completely cute and sweet and carefree and funny.
I love to just sit and watch her.

She is also incredibly naughty and defiant. We've never had a defiant child.
And stubborn. Oh my.

Her favorite thing is to 'paint' with the soap in the bathroom.
So we have a new spot for the soap.

But now she can turn on the faucet. And flood the bathroom.
And here she is after I've removed her and distracted her from the scene of the crime AGAIN.
She went back. I followed her. She climbed up on the stool turned to me and said, NO!
You can see her darling little lips in finishing up the word here.

And then she does this smile.
How? How does she do this?
I am not being easy on her.
I am being strict and stern.
It has no affect on her.

I find myself saying special prayers over this child.
Several times per day!

(And yes, I realize I'm photographing her instead of dealing with the issue here but I also feel the need to remember these moments so that I can remind HER someday.)


Unknown said...

It's so hard to discipline them when you just want to laugh...and take pictures! I can only imagine what you're going through. But I'm sure I'll have my opportunity here soon!

Unknown said...

It's so hard to discipline them when you just want to laugh...and take pictures! I can only imagine what you're going through. But I'm sure I'll have my opportunity here soon!

mama barb said...

She looks so much like and reminds me so much of Avery..not a bad thing!!

mama barb

Anonymous said...

Love her hair in those pics!