Friday, April 16, 2010

Avery on the beach

Avery has changed so much in the last year its doesn't even seem possible.
She is no longer my silly, wild child.
She's much more serious and I can tell sometimes she just sits back and watches us...trying to figure out her place and probably figure the rest of us out too.

She spent a lot of time on the beach off by herself.
And I just watched...

She is an outside girl.

Jordan got Lauren and Avery up one morning to watch the sunrise and go on a walk.

They enjoyed it even though they were tired!

ALWAYS wanting to hold hands and be touching. Always!

She is so good to Tess. Will do anything Tess wants!

Also, always running, dancing and moving!

And she has the best giggle.


mama barb said...

She, in her nature, reminds me so of Robert who has always made me just enjoy Life...a very tender heart that can easily be broken but the spirit to lift everyone else Up..she does me constantly...

love you Avery...always

mama barb

Courtney said...

she reminds me so so much of my bailey!