Friday, April 16, 2010

Lauren on the beach

And this one...well suddenly she is 12 years old.
She told us thank you so many times on this trip that it was almost comical.
She is a constant joy.
She makes me feel like the luckiest mom in the world.

Her early morning shot...she loved the time with Jordan.
She is a true Daddy's girl.

She is also the best big sister.
She'd do anything for them.
A little mom in training.

And always the protector...on her guard and looking out for the little ones.
And I love that, but sometimes I'd just like to tell her to be 8 for awhile!

And she's meticulous.

Their sandcastle was pretty cool.

1 comment:

mama barb said...

She is pure joy and love expressed...I agree, how can she take on this nature..good thing she has Avery to keep her realizing that there is much fun to be had in this world!!!

Love you Lauren, or Skeeter!!!!
mama barb