Monday, April 12, 2010

Prenatal appt. #1

Today I had my first dr.'s appointment.
And I am pleased to report that there is just a #5 in there...not a #5 and a #6.

I had some serious concerns about that.
I have never had morning sickness.

Until this pregnancy.

And it stinks. I do not know how you ladies handle this.
I'm getting better but most days I'd still rather lay in the fetal
position and moan than clean the house or cook a meal.

But, I digress...back to the appt.
Everything is looking great. My 'official' due date is now November 3rd.

I had an ultrasound and after 5 times I think it is safe to say that
seeing your baby's head pop up on that screen will never get old.

I started crying and my dr. looked at me in total shock and said,
"You're not a weepy one! What's with you?"

I know.

But seeing that little head and those arms waving madly at just comes crashing into your heart..."I am SO very blessed. So blessed beyond measure."

God has blessed Jordan and me with the family we always dreamed of.
And we couldn't be more thankful or humbled by it.

We are very aware of the fact that we are some of the lucky ones.

Now, for a little fun at my own expense. At the beginning of vacation these jeans fit normally.

On the last night I put them on and suddenly....a little bump appeared.
And now you have seen the last picture of me that you will likely see until after delivery!


Meghan said...

You look fab Becky! I have never looked that good, let alone after 4 kids and preg with number 5. Congrats again! Enjoy!

Choose Joy said...

Bring on the baby-bump pictures. You will cherish them.....!!!!!!

Cassie said...

i want monthly pics!

Ellie said...

You look GREAT!

Anonymous said...

cutest baby bump ever!