Friday, April 16, 2010

Sully on the beach

Sully was in 'boy paradise' on the beach.
Lots to explore and plenty of sand to build with and dig in!

I just love these pictures of joy!

One of the best parts of our trip was that Jordan got take each of the older kids out for 'daddy time'. I wish 'real life' allowed for that a little more often.
Here's Sully ready to head out for his afternoon with dad.

Walkin' to the beach...

They found some rocks to climb on and explore and found salamanders, snakes and turtles!

Looking for more treasures....


mama barb said...

This little boy who has so much energy could someday do and be anything the Lord wants is a delight..he makes me anxious, nervous because of some of his antics and crazy with his noise yet can overwhelm my heart when he all of a sudden stops and comes to me with a hug and says I Love you Mama!!! How can I ever resist?!

You are the son your mom will always need Sully and this old, as you call her at times gma..

mama barb

Courtney said...

i love that they each got "daddy time!"