Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Something I never thought I'd hear...

Jordan just called me and this is how he started the conversation,

"So, I'm at home for lunch, watching, Leave It To Beaver..."

He didn't get anything else out because I was laughing too hard from the image that put in my head.

(Keep in mind, we have no cable tv, so if you get desperate enough to need to watch television, its pretty slim pickins'. Also keep in mind that there is nothing my husband hates more than sitcoms...let alone sitcoms from 1950. Its all just very funny...at least to me.)

1 comment:

Beckysblog said...

Hate is pretty strong language. I actually like Leave it to Beaver and used to watch it as a kid(On Nick at Nite possibly).

It was refreshing to see how the Cleavers reacted to the world around them. Tempted to the greatest extent, they never complained, griped, gossiped, swore, but just went with the flow. No bitterness when they weren't invited to the social gathering of the year yet their friends were. In fact, with a smile after a friend rubbing it in that they weren't invited, Ward says to June(with a smile) "Want to have a cup of coffee in the living room with a social outcast?" That does not happen today. We have a generation of people that watched too many Roseanne and Simpsons episodes.
