Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Alrightie, many people have emailed me and asked what do I mean when I say that Sully has had diarrhea for a long time. So here you get it...sorry for those that don't want to know, and sorry to Sullivan who will someday read this and be mortified.
  • Its been going on for approx. 6 months. He's always had somewhat soft poop(wow, now Ive blogged everything!) but since January its been diarrhea. I thought he had some really bad luck with rotovirus. About 2 months ago I realized he'd been vaccinated for that...
  • typically two weeks of bad diapers and then a few days where its better and then bad again.
  • when I say bad I mean 4-6 large bouts per day. better means 1-2 per day. I couldn't tell you the last time he went an entire day without at least one diarrhea diaper. 
  • the daycare told us if we were OK with him having all these loose diapers we needed a doctors note! (embarrassing)
  • we've tried taking away dairy. That is not it. No change...after almost 6 weeks of little to no dairy. I was actually kind of hoping that was it, comparatively. 
  • he complains of tummy aches frequently
  • it doesn't seem to harm his appetite
  • he has not lost any weight, actually he has gained weight since his 3 year appointment and now weighs the exact same as Avery. But really, Sully eats a lot, he is a great eater and is not picky so I'm sure that has helped out the weight. 
  • And I'm pretty sure if this weren't an issue, he would be fully potty trained by now. But its fairly impossible to train when this is going on.

1 comment:

Sarah Guild said...

I cannot imagine even trying to potty train with all of that... I'm praying for quick answers for you guys so you can have a plan of action.