Monday, June 01, 2009

eleven months

She's 11 months already! 

Here's what Tess is up to:
6 teeth
pulling up to everything
cruising, a little
climbing, on everything! 
going up the stairs if someone forgets to shut the door
eating just about anything - she is wonderful eater and I'm loving that!
3-4 bottles per day
She does ok with a cup but only if it has juice or water in it, she doesnt want formula in it...hopefully that changes when we switch to milk
Sleeping from 7:30 or 8 at night till 6:30 or 7 in the am. If its a day Im home she'll go back to sleep after that till 8:30. 
Taking one good nap per day after lunch - 2-3 hours. Sometimes a morning nap, sometimes not
She is a very easy natured baby and just goes with the flow...
Plays excellently by herself. 
Ruins all the games and plans of her siblings when they are playing! 
LOVES her bath and can get in and out by herself - you really have to watch that kid! 
Words: uh-oh, Daddy (urgh!!!), kitty, Mommy (only if she's really desperate)
Waves bye-bye and night-night, she'll also shake her head no! SO Cute. 
Favorite toys: Zander the xylephone dragon...and anything that she is NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE! ;)
Loves loves loves her blankie and her thumb...sounds like her big brother! 
Also really loves music and dancing. Its adorable. 

1 comment:

Courtney said...

i am LOVING this age!!!