Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Who, What, When, Where, Why, How?

Sullivan is full of questions about God and Jesus and their abilities. 

Tonight we were walking through Wal-mart and he was just bombarding me with question after question;

"Did God make me? How did he do that? Did make you? Did he make daddy? Did he make Avery? Does he make trees? Does he make houses? cars? carts? food? clothes"

(I'm not kidding you. He could win a record for the # of consecutive questions asked.)

My answer to all of this was, "Yes, He made all those people, He is very strong and smart and mighty."

Sullivan walked along side me in silence for awhile. (I had to check to be sure he was still there, it was so quiet.)

Then he pipes up, "Well....then who made HIM?!?!?!?!"

(I'm sorry, he is smart, fun and amazing!)

I tried to explain God being eternal and His omnipresence but of course I got about 15 'why's' and 20 'hows' with that one.  

By the end of it, my head was pounding...

(but my heart was light!) 


Cassie said...

Get him
"Who Made God? And other things we wonder about" by Larry Libby.
:) love it!

Courtney said...

love that "my head was pounding but my heart was light!" :-)