Thursday, June 04, 2009


So on Sunday there was one egg in the nest.

On Tuesday there were two. 

Yesterday, three!!! 

I really thought they just laid them all at once. But then Grandma Cindy stopped by with a book all about Robins for us and we learned that they lay them over several days. 

Seriously, several days?

And they typically have 3-7 eggs and lay one per day. While the mother is the only one to sit on the egg, the father stays close by (which helps us figure out the TWO angry birds in our yard!)

Also Robins can lay eggs two to three times during a spring season. WHAT?!

Suddenly I'm really happy to be human and have one day of labor! And not to have multiple children within weeks of each other. Poor birds!

Now you've all had your daily science lesson. 

Good night. 

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