Sunday, November 08, 2009

Brothers and Sisters

Sullivan and Contessa continue to have a special relationship. He has started to show frustration towards her over the past couple months...she steals his toys and even hits him just to see what will happen.

But I give him a lot of credit - he's never hit her even though I can see it in his eyes that he REALLY would like to. (And he hits Lauren and Avery frequently.)

He seems to have some kind of big brother sense about him...knowing he must be good to her no matter how she treats him! Looking back I can see this with my older brothers as well...they never laid a finger on me - my younger brothers were a completely different story - I suffered many bruises from them...and yes, some deserved.

I love watching them together...even watching them fight...Sullivan amazes me.
This picture was completely unprompted...they were just sitting there throwing rocks in together and turning and laughing and laughing!

This picture was prompted...I told them to kiss. It was just to sweet not to share!
(And after this was where things went south...Tess socked him in the side of the face after the kiss and Sullivan moved to a different spot!)

(Beware...there will probably be many many photos from Friday over the next week!)

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