Saturday, November 28, 2009


Tonight was decorate the tree night in our house. So that meant homemade pizza for supper and frosting sugar cookies for dessert.
Everyone had a great time. I wised up from last year...after 4 kids I'm starting to figure some of this out...I decorated the rest of the house with only Lauren and Avery's help. I did it when the other two were not around to cause me to go over the edge. And really Lauren and Avery are pretty good help these days.
So tonight was much more laid back...only one big box of stuff...instead of like 10, much less mess, much less time. All of which equals much more fun for the kids and much less stress for mom and dad!

We have a new tree this year so it took some figuring out which did just about cause a fight for Jordan and I at one point but there was no yelling! ;) Check Tess out 'helping' Lauren and I with the lights.

I have to post pictures of me when they are ever my kids know I really was around!

Love this group so very much and I'm so happy I get to call them mine!


Courtney said...

love seeing pictures of YOU! :-)

Cassie said...

you're getting smart in your old age!! :)