Sunday, December 28, 2008

It works to get mad...

I have lots of Christmas pictures to post and stories to tell but for now, I've got this:

My washer isn't working...still. We bought it in March and it hasn't really worked since October. They were here on Friday AGAIN, temporarily fixed it, ANOTHER part ordered. I went to do laundry tonight...nada.

I lost it.

I have been VERY patient, very understanding with these people. But that ended.

When the girl answered I said, "Hi. You might as well get your manager on the phone because it will save us both a lot of time." She got her manager.

When the manager got on the phone I said, "Sir, I dont know what you have to do to get me a new washer but you might as well start the process because I am not getting off the phone until I get one."

He sent me DIRECTLY to 'new machines'.

I have a new washer coming this week.

Period. The end.


Happilyoutnumbered said...

Merry Christmas to you! And that is one of those things that you CANNOT live without, especially with kids....lots of kids :) I swear that all I do is laundry! I can imagine the panic you were feeling when you discovered it wasn't working!

Anonymous said...

that's my girl!!!!!

Melanie said...

ABOUT TIME!!!!!! whohooo!!

Courtney said...

i laughed OUT LOUD! good job! that's so frustrating that you've head to deal with it for that long!!!

Andrea Dellit said...

Awesome! Great job, Becky! You get em!