Monday, December 15, 2008


We had a wonderful weekend with the perfect mix of activities and relaxing.

Then Saturday night the stomach flu decided to invade our house. I was first. Sick all night and feeling really awful all day Sunday. Jordan did an amazing job keeping the kids all away from me and I basically slept the entire day.

I went to bed feeling pretty crummy last night but I woke up for some reason at like 11 and thought, hey, I feel better. Then at 11:30 I heard the cry. All mom's know it. The cry that means someone else in the house is now sick.

It was Sullivan's turn. POOR POOR BABY! He threw up like 6 times between 11:30 and 4:30. But he woke up at 7:30 acting really good. So now he's had a bath and is laying on the couch - only because I'm making him stay there.

Avery says she doesnt feel good but she says its her throat that hurts. She doesnt look real good though. We'll see.

I'm focusing on the positives:
1. It seems to be a very fast acting bug
2. There is no fever.
3. I have plenty of towels, blankets, wash cloths and water
4. my washer and dryer can run all day


Meghan said...

I am so sorry. I hate being sick...yuck!

Melanie said...

Thank goodness your washer and dryer is working!!

Beckysblog said...

uh yeah, Sears will be stopping at our house again on Friday to finally either fix it or bring me a new one!


Andrea Dellit said...

yuck...i was sick last week...not fun.