Friday, December 05, 2008

Tess update

We took Tess to the pediatric cardiologist today. We walked out of the office what felt like 7 hours after walking in. We had Sully and Avery with us too and it was a LONG time to be in a small room with three kids. They all actually did very well but it was still a long time!
Tess had a physical exam and then an EKG. After all this the cardiologist agreed with our regular pediatrician...the murmur is most likely an 'innocent murmur'. But there is a still a chance that there is a hole in one of the walls of her heart. He wants an echocardiogram done to rule that out.
I will take Tess to that next Friday. Her test is schedule for 1 pm. She cant have any formula or cereal after 6:30 am. Then she can have water till 10:30 and then nothing till the test is over and she comes out from the 'sleepy drug'.
So that should be FUN! I will definetly not take any other kids with me to that exam.
While I am confident that this will turn out to be the 'innocent murmur' I would appreciate prayers for that outcome. And maybe a few for my sanity and Tess's stomach the day of the test!


Shannon/Jodi said...

Let me know if you need someone to watch Sully and Avery. We'll be praying for Tess.

Beckysblog said...

Are you reading my mind Jodi?

Courtney said...

i'll be praying. we went through that with bailey - and it ended up being just that - "innocent" - but a little nerve-wracking nonetheless!