Friday, December 12, 2008

Kingdom Work

Today is the day for Tess's echocardiogram. It didnt start out the best. Tess gets up at 5:30 EVERY MORNING, eats and then goes back to sleep for 2-3 hours. We dont set an alarm clock anymore, we have Tess. This was going to work perfectly for having her done with a large feeding before 6:30, then sleeping a good chunk of the morning and having a feeding of water before 10:30, followed by nothing until probably 2.
Well today of all days the kid slept till 6:30! Come on!
So I still fed her because I felt like I had to...

Anyway, I hope that is the worst thing that happens today.

I've been thinking about this role of motherhood a lot lately. I talked to my cousin recently and she really got me thinking. She has 6 children. 3 biological, the youngest of which is 2 months. Then they have 3 adopted children, one with a learning disability and another with much more severe disabilities. They are an AMAZING family and she inspires me. She never complains. She never acts like she is put out.
She said to me, "Becky, this work you are doing with your children is kingdom work. You are being used by God to shape His kingdom - your children."

I've been thinking about that and I know I am so not the one He should of chosen! But it also helps me to keep in mind that I am not in this alone! My Savior and the Master of the Universe has all of this in control.

And so that is my focus heading into today. He's got me, He's got Tess right where He wants us.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

thinking of you guys today and sending up many prayers!
love you!