Monday, January 11, 2010


That's the # for Poison Control incase your Monday is anything like ours!


I've been a mom for over 8 years. And I've never called that #.

Dont worry, she's fine. We didn't even have to do anything but wash her mouth out. But I doubt I'll ever forget that #.

And here's a tip: If your 18 month old is REALLY quiet. Go see what's up. Because SOMETHING is up.


Anonymous said...

Um.... yeah- so I've only been a mom for 3 1/2 years and I've called it twice. oops. but I never had to do anything but keep an eye on them- so does that make it a little better that I had to call twice???
jen f

Ellie said...

What did she get into??

Beckysblog said...

You have 2 kids so 2 calls in their lives seems pretty good Jen! ;)

And it was cuticle oil. Its mostly natural but the word acetate in one ingredient made me call! She painted her lips with it and then drank some of it.

Jennie Peakin said...

What stay at home mom with 4 kids has time to use cuticle oil?!?!?! I'm impressed! :)

Beckysblog said...

HA! Good one Jennie.
I got it as a gift.

And I've NEVER opened it!