Monday, January 11, 2010


I've been MIA all weekend. And Ahhhhh, it was nice.
I spent the weekend starting Friday morning at the Ozarks with 3 girls that I have a weekly bible study with...Brenda, Beth, Jenny. We went to Brenda's lake house and RELAXED.

You see that big comfy couch? I sat on it for probably 75% of the time we were there. We talked, laughed, watched movies, did our devotions, prayed, cried and ATE! It was wonderful. We never left the house and rarely left that couch. And I even learned how to crochet!
I'm feeling refreshed and rejuvenated...And I'd be wrong to not thank this wonderful shower for its part in that! It has TWELVE shower heads. TWELVE. And that little beauty hanging from the top middle was PERFECT. I almost unscrewed it and took it home.
Thank you Jordan for a great weekend retreat and for having the house clean and the kids happy when I returned!
Thanks girls for an awesome trip!


Scott & Julie said...

Can I join your bible study?!

Courtney said...

wow!!! that shower (and couch) look AWESOME!!

Lisa said...

hi, well, I pray that the girls had a nice time at our house, and that you didn't mind that it was kind of last minute but I know that my girls enjoyed your girls - that's great you had a such a nice time. Lisa