Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Avery: Mommy, why do they call it St. Patrick's Day?

Mommy: (a bit confused about why we are even talking about it) Well, I guess cause its about a man named St. Patrick.

Avery: Well I like St. Patrick's Day because it has PATRICK's name in it. (Patrick is the boy in her class who she has told Lauren she 'loves' and who she told me she 'just likes to look at'.)

I'm past being worried about her. I've moved on to having some genuine concern for this poor little boy named Patrick! Maybe I should call his mother and warn her.


yoderyears said...

The things that come out of their mouths! I love it! Brooklyn even tells me, "Avery really likes Patrick. But, she likes me more than she likes Patrick". So, maybe the phone call to his mom can wait!?!?

Beckysblog said...

That does make me feel better Mandy!

But the dreamy look in her eye when she says "Patrick" still has me concerned!!!

Ellie said...

Okay, this was my laugh for the day :) SO cute...and clever of her!

D G Curren said...
