Saturday, January 23, 2010

And now I can't even play RISK!

It was a normal Saturday evening. We were driving home for a shopping trip in Cedar Falls anticipating making BLT's for supper.

And then our plans got thrown off.

The kids were all playing in the back - it was loud. Then it got louder because Sullivan was no longer having fun. He was screaming.

Turned out that Lauren, sitting kitty-corner behind him, had pulled on his wrist very hard.
We ended up exiting the highway and checking him out. He would not move it and would not stop screaming.

We went home and called Aunt 'Dr. Trina' to see if she could check it out before we made a trip to the ER.

We finally got him to move it without screaming and Trina worked her magic and gave us the diagnosis that it was likely just sprained.

Now 3 hours later he seems almost good as new.

As we pulled out of Trina's driveway Sully said, "Trina is the BEST Dr. EVER."

But even better and cuter was right after the 'injury' he declared from the back seat, "And now I can't even play RISK!" (the obsession continues in our house!)

Oh the drama...and now I'm ready for bed!

1 comment:

Courtney said...

never a dull moment, huh??