Tuesday, January 05, 2010


One of the things I've been excited about staying home is to get some things/rooms organized in our house that have been left sitting since well, probably the day we unpacked. And to do some general organization and touch up painting ect.

So my task for today was to clean out my dining room hutch. Its done. I LOVE that feeling. In the process I discovered that I needed to organize all of the kids' professional photos.

This one of Sully stuck out. He will be 4 next month, he is 3 months in this picture. Oh how I miss this baby!!!

I've also been cleaning my pantry. Its done! I'm on a mission. Before spring I want to have every room gutted. Three are done. I'm on a roll. I have a feeling that once spring hits I wont ever clean or organize again...and since its FRIGID outside I have my opportunity to get it done now. I'm cleaning, vacuuming, moving furntiure, fixing paint jobs, hanging pictures, throwing out ect. Its great!

And on another note, I've played 2 games of 'Dont Wake Hulk', had a tea party with Avery, read books, and had a couple of rounds of following Tess from room to room and letting her point at stuff while I tell her what they are.
And you know what, I think they had the most fun helping me hang pictures. Sully got to hold the tools and Avery got to say, 'a little more to the right mommy'.

And that's Tuesday!


Ellie said...

You have officially accomplished more in your two days as a stay-at-home mom than I have in 3 years of being home with ONE child. Do you hire out??

Anonymous said...

No, she cannot hire out until she does mine...and, I love the pic of Sully esp since he will cheer for Hawks only because is here and Mama Barb has Hawkeye gear on her person!!!

mama barb

Shannon/Jodi said...

Can I be next in line for your services? I love to organize, too, but it is usually at the expense of letting other things go, like cooking, cleaning, school, etc. Oh, to have enough hours in the day--and energy--to do it all!