Friday, January 15, 2010

Cassie and bread

I got to go see Cassie for a bread making class today. Without my kids! My mom volunteered to watch them and I jumped at it.

A day with Cassie! With out kids! So we could talk! AWESOME. And I'm pretty sure we haven't had that since before we had 8 years.

I love Cassie. She is very different from me. And she brings out the parts in me that are so different from her. And I love that. She is so GOOD FOR ME!

I hope that she feels that way after being with me. I love that we can pick up after months without seeing each other (the last time we SAW each other was February of 2009) and still spend the whole time LAUGHING and non stop talking.

I arrived just in time to help with her crazy insane day and to get a good kick out of the chaos of her life at this time. Its pretty comical to watch from the sidelines! ;)

I'm still all smiles after my day in Muscatine. Thank you Cassie. (And Ayla, holding you was one of the best parts!)


Courtney said...

what a fun day! and i'm sure it was a huge help to her, too!

pambuller said...

you're an awesome friend!!