Monday, January 25, 2010


Jordan left Ackley for home at 5:30.

In the middle of a blizzard. A horrible, horrible Iowa blizzard.

He called at 5:45 and they were stuck. Luckily he was not alone but had a coworker with him and they were being followed by another. But they were all stuck. And in their suits and dress shoes.

At 7:45 he called again to say that they were still 4 miles outside of Ackley! But they were unstuck and reinforcements had arrived to ensure they made it to town. So they had gone 4 miles in over 2 hours.

I cant imagine how cold they are and tired.

They are all spending the night in Ackley.

And winter can officially end. And I am going to bed as soon as he calls to say they are in a house safe and warm. My nerves are shot.


Andrea Dellit said...

I haven't minded the weather too much this winter, honestly it could be worse. But the roads tonight really were treacherous. My sister is here from GA, and we wanted to get to GC and wait out the storm. Hwy 20 was really bad, but Hwy at times was impassable, drifted, and we had to come to a complete stop because we couldn't the road. If we didn't have a truck, we wouln't have made it at all. It was down right scary. Glad he got back to Ackley.

Anonymous said...

Praise to the Lord for having His eye on JD...
mama barb

Ellie said...

Oh my goodness Becky. I am glad he is safe! I called Troy at 1:00 in the afternoon yesterday and told him he better get home then, or our road would be drifted shut. He actually listened to me :) Closed his store, sent all the employees home and he was home by 2:00. I can't even imagine how bad things were at 5:30.
And yes, I am OVER winter too. It can just stop already.