Sunday, August 23, 2009

BIG Trouble

The big girls were SO helpful to me tonight. 

Without asking they helped me pick up the kitchen and then entertained Tess and Sully for me while I put everything away and did the dishes. 

Lauren read them all books and Avery set up things for Tess to play with.

I love to reward them when they don't even realize they've been being helpful. 

So tonight I told them that they could stay up for 10 minutes and read. I told them that they could each ready 2 books to themselves in bed. (This was after I had already read 3 books to all 4 of them in Tess's room - this was past my target bedtime!) ;)

I forgot about them  while I was hurrying around to do laundry and stuff and 30 minutes later I went into their room and found this:

They were worried they were going to be in BIG trouble. 

They will never get in trouble for this...first for loving to read and second for being the cutest,  sweetest sisters I've ever seen.

Love 'em!

(And in their defense...they weren't being disobedient, they were on book #4 - they just hadn't read them on their own...The first book they chose to read was the took awhile!) ;)


Choose Joy said...

I love pictures like these! Your girls will cherish this shot and the commentary about them!

Happilyoutnumbered said...

So sweet! I just love moments like these....

Courtney said...

that is precious!

Ellie said...

So sweet :)