Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Thank yous, Frustrations and Stupidity

1. First I have to say thank you to all my awesome friends and to the blog world. There are people I've connected with in real ways that I know I would never have even known existed if it weren't for the blog world. So thank you for all your comments and emails.

I am planning to do some more emailing and consulting with many of you on Sullivan!!! ;) Beware.

Really, how did mom's do it before they could blog!? ;)

2. Secondly, I am frustrated.

While Sully's diarrhea is staying away his eczema is back in full force on his legs.

I want to cry, ok, I have cried.

It is just so frustrating. Why did the rash almost completely go away when we went GF in July? And now, it seemed like it was going to go away and then no. Dashing my hopes.

I think the most frustrating thing about this is that dr's say, well its eczema, live with it.

This isn't normal eczema. Its all consuming. He itches constantly. I really believe some of his behavior problems, ie, screaming, acting out when told no, are linked to his discomfort, and who could blame him?

Anyway, I am on a quest. I will figure this out. I will. I'll just keep chanting that to myself.

And if that doesn't work God has given me this with the hope that he is holding Sully right where He wants Him. Philippians 4:7 "And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

3. On a different note, I'm a failed and stupid mother.

We had Avery and Sully's Preschool Open House last night. They were both SO excited to go.

It was fun.

Until some friendly mom asked if we'd been up to the other building yet? (meaning the elementary).

'Why would we need to go there?' I ask.

Uh, for the Elementary Open House?

Lauren standing next to me almost yells, 'MOMMY!!!!!!'

I ask, 'are they supposed to bring all their school supplies with them and put them away with their teacher?'


Seriously, Lauren's most favorite thing to do is to take her school supplies up and find her desk and really start getting excited about the 1st day.

And I missed it. Failed.

We went up to the school and talked to her teacher and set up another time for Lauren to take her things up.


Lauren is happy just to have the chance to go back before school starts but really, I'm sure this teacher is thinking, oh great! one of these parents again!

I don't think I should be allowed to parent 4 children. I'm not holding it all together real well these days.


Courtney said...

oh becky. my heart dropped FOR you. i know that was so hard to realize what was happening....i'm so sorry!!! and i'm so sorry about sully! gosh. that little guy needs a BREAK! of COURSE it's part of his behavior! praying for you...

Anonymous said...

A letter from the school would be nice, come on. How in the world does a young family like us get that information? The two places they put the info were on the local TV station(we don't have TV - cable) and the other place was the Grundy Register. While I like to stay in touch with my community, people our age don't read newspapers. We get all our information from the internet. You know how you have to know your audience - well, the school needs to know their audience. Don't feel bad...

Ellie said...

Becky, I am just getting aquainted with you, and even in the few times we've been around each other and the e-mails we've shared....I already know you are a fantastic mother. You are incredibly hard on yourself. I think you are doing a great job balancing everything!

Sarah Guild said...

I would cast my vote in the "you're doing quite well" column of parenting. Beyond quite well. Hang in there...

Jamie said...

Becky, you are much too hard on yourself! You are a terrific mother - I am always amazed at the wonderful things you do with your family. Currently a mother of one - I hope to accomplish half of what you do! ;)

Keep your chin up - I pray things improve quickly for Sully.

btw - we should compare notes on kidney reflux sometime soon. Alyse is still taking her antibiotics. And, we get Kurt's (my husband)Celiac's test results back tomorrow and perhaps we can compare those notes as well... I am certain we'll be living a GF lifestyle very soon.

Take care ~ Jamie

Beckysblog said...

Jamie, email me...! ;)

rebecadirks at hotmail dot com