Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Indoor Fun?

Sully got a new puzzle and there is nothing he loves more than a puzzle!

Unfortunately for us, he is good at them...too good...which means fast. But luckily for us he likes to do them over and over. 

Tonight was rainy and yucky outside. It forced me to remember that soon, all too soon, we will be forced to play inside EVERY night. 

We are so not ready.

We might need to buy like 3 new puzzles for every day of the winter just to keep us sane. 

Or invest in our own personal gymnasium in our backyard. 

That might work. 

1 comment:

Choose Joy said...

I was just thinking about winter and how I need to find an activity to do every day....OUT OF MY HOUSE! I love summer and I will miss it!!!!