Wednesday, August 26, 2009


You know all those things that we constantly remind ourselves that we will miss 'someday' when our kids are grown? 

Well going to the bathroom with an audience will not be one of those things I miss. 



Sarah Guild said...

I hear you! Solitude in the bathroom, please...

Shannon/Jodi said...

Amen to that!

Anonymous said...

Never gonna happen finally leave then grands come!!!!


Happilyoutnumbered said...

I have found that if I keep the door open, they don't bother soon as the door closes they are all beating on it or standing and watching me! What is up with that. Glad to hear it isn't just our house!

Courtney said...

and there is 1 time of the month...where i HAVE to shut and LOCK the door...and they are SO upset! good grief!

Choose Joy said...

Ha ha! Camo just learned how to say "poo-poo"
so every time I am in the bathroom he is pointing and yelling, "POO-POO, POO-POO" Everytime....regardless of #1 or #2.