Sunday, August 09, 2009


This photo shows Sully's legs. I am not sure that you can really tell but they are terribly broken out and the back view is the good view...the front is worse.  There are large parts of his legs where you cannot see skin. Only the rash. And the rash is bright red. 

During a trip to the store this week we were stopped 3 times by people asking, 'what was wrong with his legs, if he had psoriasis and what we used for his legs.' 
And 2 of the 3 were strangers. 

His legs look bad. Bad

And they itch and bother him like crazy. 

It also travels up his hips and torso and is on his arms but not as bad. Luckily its not on his face or neck. 

Also, his diarrhea is back. He goes every single time that he goes pee. Every time. Luckily it hasn't bothered his use of the toilet. 

We thought the Singular we were using had cured the rash. But its back. And because of the timing of that medication and when we tried the gluten free diet...we now don't know why he had such a miraculous recovery. We thought the absence of diarrhea was just a coincidence. Now its seeming like maybe it was the gluten free diet after all. 

So, we are trying the gluten free again. He definitely deserves the attempt.  We should be able to see results in a week or so if this is in fact the answer. 

We have to get him some relief. The other night he was crying to me before bed asking why he has to have owie legs and an owie tummy. I feel so bad for him. This needs to end. 


Courtney said...

oh, becky. that is heart-breaking. praying for wisdom for you!

Melanie said...

oh poor sully!!!!!

Sarah Guild said...

I truly, truly feel for you and for him. Jonathan's rashes never got that severe and it still made me feel like a nervous wreck. The itching must be especially bad in the heat... many prayers being sent your way.

Unknown said...

hugs!! i know exactly know you feel! it stinks!
we were at national jewish for their 2 week day program for our dd last christmas.
i can tell you everything they told me, if you want. :)

Unknown said...

p.s. gluten takes a LONG time to get out of your system, so you may not see a difference for 6 months, and sometimes, even up to a year.
i know. discouraging! don't give up!