Sunday, August 09, 2009

Update #3

Here's the scoop:

Lauren: She is doing awesome. She has never complained about pain. She has refused when I've offered tylenol. 
When we took the cotton ball and patch off on Saturday she freaked out a bit, I think it was attached to a stitch, and it hurt. It bled a little. 
It was so funny, we said, Lauren, we can go to the dr. and pay the $15 copay and he can do it. OR We will give you $5 to just let us take it off. 

She went for the cash. 

She also despises the ear drops but she cooperates. 

I'm dreading her appt. in 3 weeks because I know she will freak when they touch her ear for the exam. 

Tess: She was fever free all of Saturday but now has the rash covering her entire body...just like Trina's kids had. 
We are still trying to figure out if she is allergic to her daily antibiotic. Right now we cant tell the difference between the rash from the virus and hives. Very frustrating!

But she seems to be acting more like normal. 


Courtney said...

hey...could tess have fifth's disease?? joshua had it about a month ago. look the rash up online. it's a very distinct one...and it sounds worse than it is. it's really just a virus that has to run it's course...

Beckysblog said...

You know I was thinking that might be it too. And the rash looks just like the pictures I've seen.

Andrea Dellit said...

girl, you are amazing...we need to get over and visit you guys

Andrea Dellit said...

hope the kids get to feeling better soon!!