Monday, August 31, 2009

My first born

There have been 8 days of school so far and she has done this after school every single day. 

They come home, she gets her IMC books out and she herds her siblings to the living room floor and reads to them. 

I didn't ask her to do it. I never even thought of it. I don't remind them of it. 

She just does it. And they follow. 

And I'm pretty sure that they wont let her forget it now that she's started it. 

The only variation seems to be whether or not Tess is sitting in her lap. 

And don't think for one minute its not my most favorite scene of the day. 


Jennie Peakin said...

I'll bet she's going to be a teacher some day by the way she loves school so much!

Anonymous said...

So love this...first thing Lauren told Avery in car from school was that she got new books from IMC that she would really like!!! What a wonderful moment to hold on to in photo.

Lover of books

Andrea Dellit said...

this is awesome.