Sunday, August 16, 2009

So long Summer

I realize there are still a number of fun filled summery weekends to be had but for anyone with school age kids around here...this was the last weekend of the summer. 

Lauren starts school on Thursday and Avery and Sully start preschool a couple weeks after that. 

So tonight was the start of early to bed (yeah!) and getting back in the routine of school and schedules. (I secretly LOVE this by the way.)

We ended the weekend with some real summer fun. Time at the park, supper on the grill and eaten outside which of course included sweet corn, and then a bike ride before baths and bed. 

Now its just after 8 and everyone is in bed! Love it. We will work to that 7:30 bedtime as the nights get dark sooner! 

Contessa has a real love affair with corn. She ate this ear and then spent 20 minutes after the rest of us were done eating her next ear. She savors every morsel!
Mmm, good mommy!

Sully just wanted to be silly with it!

These two were too mature for such pictures...and Avery doesnt like sweet corn...she might not be American!


D G Curren said...

Tess has the biggest, most beautiful eyes!!! Jordan and Sully are going to have their hands full keeping the boys away in a few years from all 3 of the girls! : )

Beckysblog said...

Oh Grace, no worries...we've discovered time travel. There will be no teen years for us!