Friday, August 21, 2009


Our plan for today was to go visit my new nephew Joshua but Tess got 4 shots yesterday and came down with a fever because of them yesterday evening. 

She went to bed at 7 pm with motrin and a fever of 100 and then woke up at 3 am burning up. 

I gave her motrin and she and I rocked for a very long time until she was comfortable enough to fall back to sleep. She slept till 8:30 this morning but woke up with a low temp so we decided the trip will have to wait until tomorrow. None of my other kids ever complained or got fevers after shots. So I was a little hesitant to leave town with her feeling like this. 

Lauren is happy because now she can go with us. And Tess will stay home with Daddy. Jordan says he is so excited to have Tess all to himself. I'm sure they will have a great day. 

As you can see from this picture she is feeling much better now. 

Her favorite thing to do these days is 'dress up'. Which means putting articles of clothing around her neck and crawling around the house. She got into Lauren's drawer and got out this pair of leggings today. She threw a fit when I took them off her and put them away so she could go take a nap. 

Very cute. A very grown up way to play. 

She is so sweet. I'd like her to stay this age. And that's kind of weird because 1 year isn't typically my favorite age. 

She is just SO sweet! 

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