Monday, August 03, 2009


Our week with my brothers is drawing to a close.

We've had so much fun but in the back of my mind is always how sad I'll be when they drive away.

And when we said good bye about 20 minutes ago I was sad. And I want Christmas to get here fast. So that I can see them again.

But even in that sadness I know how blessed we are, even in what we've lost I know how lucky we are to have each other.

Not all families come through a tragedy and hold on to each other and the memories tighter and value them even more.

Not all families enjoy each other like this, not all families look forward to time together like we do.

Not all families approach the game of Pepper like it is the most fun you could ever know!

Not all families are this competitive and this serious about 'games'.

Not all families laugh and give each other a hard time like we do.

Not all families can quote movie lines like we do.

Not all families like to eat the way we do!

Not all families have countless memories that make them laugh and cry together.

Not all families can pick right up where they left off even after months or years apart.

Not all families know the real bond of 'family'.

I would not be who I am with out my brothers. I think the world of each of them and I love when we are all together and it just feels, right. Complete.

I love to see my own kids looking up at them with so much joy. I love to know that they are making memories.

So while I am sad to see them go, I know that I am blessed that the seven of us 'kids' are tied together in a way that cannot be unbroken. Even when we dont always get along, even if we dont see each other as often as we'd like, there is a bond there, forever. Family. I hope my kids have the same bond between each other someday.

Oh, and I am so glad I have six brothers...I wouldn't trade it for anything.

1 comment:

Cassie said...

not all families have 6 boys and 1 girl!
so glad you had a great week!!