Friday, August 28, 2009


Her name should be changed to 'Destructo'. 
Whatever someone else has, she wants. Whatever her siblings build, she's gonna knock down.

They can spend 30 minutes setting up for a game, some Barbie/Thomas/Lego/Cars/Princess time and she will dismantle it in 8 seconds flat.

So they are having to get more games and fun on the floor. 

Its all either at a table or in the big girls' bedroom behind a closed door.   

The problem is they love her so much that they actually feel guilty doing it, at least Lauren and Avery do. 

And Sully may not feel guilty but he does not act aggressive towards her and he is aggressive towards everyone. He has never pushed or shoved or hit her. Im very proud of him. He knows he cant. And he really does love her. He looks out for her. 

If she is yelling, he goes running, "Was a matter Tessa Caroline? Are du hurt? Do you need your momma? Do you want a toy? I'll get it. I help you!"

Its so sweet. 

And 'Destructo' knows all of it. Just look in those eyes. 

And uses it all to her advantage.

They cant handle to hear her unhappy, so they normally give in to her. 

She is going to be something I tell you...this 3rd daughter of mine. 


(for the record, Tess does not, never has, used a pacifier...but the girls have play ones for dolls and Tess finds them from time to time and 'plays')

1 comment:

D G Curren said...

Sounds exactly like our house! Beware of the baby.........but oh! they are SOOOOOOO cute!